Rifle Bullets

Rifle bullets for reloading

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    Rifle Bullets

    Rifle bullets for reloading

    What are bonded rifle bullets and why do they matter?
    Bonded rifle bullets have a jacket that is molecularly or chemically bonded to the lead core. This results in greater weight retention and performance on larger game. Norma Oryx and Bondstrike bullets as well as the Nosler 64gr Bonded Solid Base Bullets are all great bonded rifle bullet options.
    When will Woodleigh rifle bullets be in stock?
    As of March 2025, we have submitted the import paperwork to the ATF and are planning to import our first shipment as soon as the paperwork is approved.
    Will you be stocking more norma Oryx rifle bullets in larger calibers?
    We have plans to restock all of the Norma Oryx rifle bullets when they become available.
    When will 7mm Norma Bondstrike rifle bullets, as well as 6mm and 30 cal, be available for purchase?
    We have every caliber Bondstrike rifle bullet on order to include 7mm Bondstrike, 6mm Bondstrike, and 30 Cal Bondstrike rifle bullets. We expect them in stock by summer of 2025.
    Can I buy smaller quantities of rifle bullets?
    Raven Rocks Precision often sells rifle bullets in bulk because it allows us to keep the costs as competitive as possible.
    Where are LTS rifle bullets made?
    LTS rifle bullets are made in the United States by a manufacturer who provides NATO spec rifle bullets for various OEMs.
    Are the Armscor 22 Cal (.224”) 62gr FMJ Rifle bullets range safe?
    Yes, these bullets do not feature a steel penetrator (like green-tip), so they are permitted at all the same ranges where a 55gr bullet would be permitted.
    How thick is the plating on the CAMPRO 30 Cal 220gr FCP bullets?
    The plating on the CAMPRO 30 Cal 220gr FCP bullets is .014” thick. These bullets are great for 300 Blackout subsonic loads, but can also be fire up to 2600 fps in calibers like 300 Winchester Magnum.
    Where can I find load data for Norma Rifle bullets?
    The Norma ammunition website has load data for Norma bullets. Please use a powder burn rate chart to find or compare to similar bullets if you need to substitute powder.
    Are Inceptor rifle bullets suppressor safe?
    Inceptor bullets are not incompatible with suppressors, but certain suppressor manufacturers advise against shooting frangible and/or lead cast bullets through their suppressors.

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