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    Primed Rifle Brass

    When will Raven Rocks Precision be getting more primed 223 Rem or primed 5.56 rifle brass?
    We acquire primed rifle brass in lots. We do not have the ability to predict when it will be available, but we will announce it in our email newsletter if it comes back in stock.
    Does primed rifle brass need to be sized?
    Most brass manufacturers recommend sizing new brass, but primed rifle brass from Raven Rocks Precision is typically ready for powder and bullet seating.
    Is there a HAZMAT fee when buying primed rifle brass?
    No. Primed rifle brass ships via UPS ground, just like ammo.
    Will Raven Rocks Precision prime new rifle brass for me?
    No, we are not currently offering this service.
    What primer is in this primed rifle brass?
    We do not always have access to this information, but if we know, we will add the primer type in the product description.

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