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    Primed Handgun Brass

    This is brand new primed handgun brass used for reloading.

    Will Raven Rocks Precision be getting more of X primed handgun brass in stock?
    It’s hard to say. Typically, our primed handgun brass lots are once and done deals. We recommend that you stock up while it’s still available.
    Do I need to size primed handgun brass?
    No. Although many manufacturers recommend sizing handgun brass before loading, the primed handgun brass we are selling is ready for powder and bullet seating.
    What primer size is used in this primed handgun brass?
    Each product description will state primer size and if known, the type of primer used.
    Does primed handgun brass from Raven Rocks Precision incur a HAZMAT fee?
    No. Primed handgun brass ships via UPS ground, just like ammo.
    Why does the 357 Magnum primed handgun brass utilize a Small Pistol Primer (SPP)?
    It is common for some ammo manufacturers to utilize SPP in 357 Magnum ammunition. Plenty of 357 Magnum SPP load data can be had for free on Speer’s website.