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    Shotgun Ammo

    Norma Shotgun Ammunition for hunting and target shooting

    Where is Norma shotgun ammo made?
    Norma shotgun ammunition is made in several European factories. Depending on the product line, it may originate from Spain, France, or Italy.
    Where can I get Norma buy Norma Anti-Drone Long Effective Range (AD-LER) shotgun ammo?
    Raven Rocks Precision is working with Norma USA to acquire and sell AD-LER shotgun ammunition in 2025.
    What is Anti-Drone Long Effective Range (AD-LER) shotgun ammo?
    This shotgun loading is specifically designed, tested, and fielded to combat first-person vehicle (FPV) drone threats.
    How does AD-LER shotgun ammo work?
    AD-LER shotgun ammunition utilizes a special scientifically tested non-lead load to neutralize drone threats at extended ranges.

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