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    Defensive Rifle Ammo

    What defensive rifle ammo does Raven Rocks Precision sell?
    Raven Rocks Precision sells Swiss P ammo in various calibers when available. Swiss P ammunition is made in Thun, Switzerland to extremely tight tolerances and is trusted around the world by both military and law enforcement agencies.
    How do I know which type of defensive rifle ammo to buy?
    You have to pair your ammo to your rifle for an intended purpose. It’s important to remember that caliber alone is insufficient to pick optimal bullet types. Factors like barrel length and barrel twist rate play significant roles in selecting optimal ammo.
    Is it legal to possess armor piercing Swiss P defensive rifle ammo?
    The federal definition of armor piercing applies to ammunition that can be fired from handguns (to include AR-pistol firearms). Therefore, rifle ammo with armor piercing characteristics in calibers like 338 Lapua mag and 50 BMG is legal to own in most areas. Local laws may still apply.

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