338 RUM Brass – 50ct box

Original price was: $132.50.Current price is: $119.95.

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Product Overview

1 Box of 50 pieces of ADG 338 Remington Ultra Mag Brass (Standard finish)

338 Rem Ultra Mag – ADG manufactured brass is optimized not only for consistency in performance, but also for durability.  One of the ways ADG accomplishes this is by optimizing the material in specific areas to strengthen it.  With the optimized material geometry, our brass will generally have a different case volume than most other manufacturer’s brass and therefore will require a different charge weight to achieve the same pressures and velocities.  ADG recommends using a reputable load data source and working up from their recommended minimum starting loads.

ADG recommends reducing any existing charge weights by 10% and re-developing your specific load when replacing any component in a load recipe with a new component (brass, projectile, primer, or powder type).  Failure to reduce charge weights established using other manufacturers brass may result in higher pressures and velocities while using ADG brass and may result in unsafe pressure levels.


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338 RUM

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